About The Collection

Polytechnique, our maiden collection, is all about upcycling polythene bags by intricately weaving them into silhouettes with a technique that is unique to Beejoliyo. This is a one-of-its-kind collection where poly bags are used without changing their form to create chic, trendy silhouettes.

The silhouettes are designed for those who are conscious about reusing waste and are ready to embrace sustainable fashion.

Designer Sharad Sharma has intertwined an innovative approach of using polythene with his passion for creating silhouettes that are aesthetically pleasing.

The collection is all about pastel hues, asymmetric cuts, detailing such as frills, pleats, layering and piping, the USP being polybag embroidery and polybag patchwork. It’s simple yet powerful, with a strong message to bring a change!

Questo non è il primo giocattolo da We-Vibe nella recensione del Cosmo: i produttori canadesi si sono dimostrati come ragazzi affidabili con una fantasia: là generico del viagra ha un mini-vibratore moxie con una clip magnetica e lo stimolatore clitorido di fusione, simile al Animale rosa con una museruola allungata. Ma Idem è soddisfatta, si può dire, secondo i canoni della classica tappo anale.
